Metalastik manufactured and introduced Rubberised Level Crossing System First Time in Indian Railways at LC No. 12 between Dankuni (DKAE) and Janai (JOX) on HBC route in Eastern Railways in 2005. We show our gratitude to Eastern Railways for giving the opportunity to introduce this noble technology in Indian Railways for its advancement.
Metalastik Manufacturing Company Private Limited is a professionally managed diversified technology based company specialized in Design, Manufacture, Turnkey Projects and Service sectors of all kinds of moulded and extruded rubber products for domestic and international markets under brand name of 'MMC'
Read MoreMMC Crossing System ensures following Safety Factors
1. Pads are interconnected by proper locking system; hence no question of springing up of any pad arises.
2. Interconnecting pads ensures no gap between pads.
3. No check rail required, the provision of wheel passing arrangement is self designed.
4. Check Rail groove is permanent and no deformation or breakage takes place during service.
5. Viscous phase of rubber material absorbs generated vibration and reduces damage of adjacent road.
6. Smooth vehicular movement.
7. The wheel passing groove (check rail) should be free from ballast to avoid puncture of rubber skin during train movement.
1. Rubberised level crossing system covers two sectors
2.The rubberised level crossing system can be used in all crossings in India and abroad having any kind of sleeper. Generally rubber pads sit on the sleeper surface along with rail and hence design of rubber pad will vary with sleeper design and type of rail.
3.The types of rubber crossings are to be classified as Pedestrian, Light duty, Heavy Duty and Super Heavy Duty considering vehicle load conditions and TVU.
4.We also manufacture specially designed system for use in high temperature applications like Torpedo Movement at 100ºC to 150ºC surface temperature.
5.The MMC rubberised level crossing system can be used at any climatic condition and all kinds of tracks across the globe.
These statistics show the total work completed
in Indian Railways since 2005, as on July 2024.
The works include Super Heavy Duty, Heavy Duty
and Pedestrian Crossing for a wide range of customers
on National Highways, State Highways, Service Roads,
Mines, Collieries, and Heavy Industries.
The single longest track surface on which work
done has been 28.8 track metres.
Work done on highest Level Crossing TVU has
been at 17,50,000 in Indian Railways.
Total No. Of LC Gates
Quantity of work done
In sq mtr
Quantity of work done
In track mtr
No. Of tracks rubberised
No additional maintenance is required for MMC Crossing System, provided the tracks are maintained as per P.Way rules.
Rubber compound used in this system have long ageing life and able to withstand wide range of Indian climatic condition.
The design and technology being used in MMC Crossing System is flawless having 40 years performance in abroad and 14 years in Indian railways. Considering this we have come to the point that Indian Level Crossings are somewhat different compared to foreign crossings in view of climatic condition, vehicle load, vehicle frequency and maintenance of track.
Any pad can be lifted manually at any point of track by 2 or 3 persons for railway's maintenance. The pads are not clamped with the Rail System. So it can be moved easily.
Fill all information details to consult with us to get sevices from us
Contact Us for Technology Transfer for the Rubberised Level Crossing System.This system is applicable in all climatic conditions and railway tracks across the Globe.